Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
Every year, a needless number of pedestrians are hit or even killed because of motorist’s negligent or irresponsible actions. Pedestrian accidents may increase especially during the holidays, or in the dark evening hours, when people rush back to their homes after a stressful day.
Pedestrian accidents increase when drivers drive recklessly under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Impaired drivers fail to act responsibly and fail to pay the needed attention towards sidewalks and crosswalks.
Texting while driving is another common reason for pedestrian accidents in Las Vegas.
Though the possibilities of an accident vary with surroundings and community environments, some areas are considered prone to accidents. Boulder Highway is infamous for pedestrian accidents.
If you are involved in a pedestrian accident while crossing a road, you can claim compensation with the help of an experienced pedestrian accident attorney in Las Vegas.

Facts and Stats
Private streets, parking lots, and other low-speed areas can also invite accidents as pedestrians are clueless and hover directionless or sprint into the busy streets.
As days get shorter, nights fall sooner in the winters making roads deadlier for pedestrians.
Approximately 60 pedestrians per year are killed by reckless drivers in Nevada. Nevada stands 11th on the list of fatal pedestrian accidents, and Clark County accounts for 80 percent of all pedestrian fatalities in Nevada.
Catastrophic Personal Injuries After Being Hit by a Car
A pedestrian who is hit by a car could sustain serious or catastrophic personal injuries, even at low speeds. This is because pedestrians do not have an airbag, seatbelt, or other protective equipment around them like other motorists. Pedestrians also do not have a helmet like motorcyclists or bicyclists. As a result, pedestrians are more likely to be seriously injured when being hit by a car. Some of these traumatic injuries include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and spinal cord injuries (SCIs).
Concussions – a concussion is caused by an impact, blow, bump, or jolt to the head. Even if there is no contact to the head, violent whiplash could also cause a concussion. While concussions are the most commonly known type of TBI, that does not make them devastating. Even a “mild” concussion could result in permanent brain damage and increase the risk of further injury in other concussions.
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) – this type of injury results from the violent force that can sheer, tear, or rip tissue inside of the brain. The damage is primarily done to axons and fibrous bands of nerve tissue. This can result in catastrophic brain damage and permanent disability.
Coup-Contrecoup TBIs – a violent whiplash motion can cause a coup-contrecoup TBI by sending the brain sliding forward and backward in the skull. This is because the skull is suspended in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). When there is a powerful impact to one side of the head, the brain can slide in the CSF and strike the inside of the skull on the opposing side of the impact. This can cause a brain injury. But then the whiplash motion could pull the brain backward and slide to the point of impact again, causing a brain injury on the other side of the brain. This can leave an individual with brain bleeds, swelling, and injuries on two sides of his or her brain. This is a medical emergency due to the increase in swelling.
Brain Bleeds – bleeding within the skull and between brain tissue. Can be life-threatening and can cause or be a result of brain damage.
Contusions – a brain bruise that causes bleeding and swelling inside the brain where trauma was caused.
Cerebral edema – swelling and inflammation where fluid builds around the brain increasing intracranial pressure.
Skull Fractures – can result in serious brain damages, leaking of cerebrospinal fluid, seizures, infections, and other complications.
Penetrating brain injuries.
Other types of serious TBIs.
Paraplegia – a SCI affecting the lower torso and legs, often causing great difficulty in walking and, in cases where the spinal cord has been completely severed, a victim will be unable to walk or sense feelings below the injury.
Quadriplegia – also known as tetraplegia, this type of SCI is higher up in the cervical spine (neck) and can affect all four limbs and the entire body. This means that a victim could face significant hurdles during his or her lifetime.
Monoplegia – this type of SCI is caused when only one limb is affected. Generally, the damage is done to the outer-most section of the SCI or to the peripheral nerve branch off of the spinal cord. A common example would be foreign debris cutting into the brachial plexus nerves of the shoulder, therefore cutting of movement and sensation to that specific arm only.
What Should a Pedestrian Do After Getting Hit by a Car?